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To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Yet another PAR question...
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Date: Tue, 15 Aug 95 22:35:30 PDT
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>By the way, for better results, do not render frames 1-100 on the first
>computer and frames 101-200 on the second. What works better is to tell
>computer #1 to do frames 1-199, frame step = 2, so it does all the odd
>frames, and tell computer #2 to do frames 2-200, frame step = 2, so it does
>all the even frames. That way, the two computers stay fairly neck-and-neck
>as far as the rendering go.
Is this superior somehow to having them start at both ends and meet
in the middle?
>johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank) sent this message.